Thursday, August 18, 2011

Media portrayal of vegetarians?

I agree. I don't know specifically what you're talking about, but I have heard that type of thing before. Unfortunately, vegetarians and vegans in the media are always portrayed as some sort of hippie or anarchist who wants to bring society down. Which of course is ridiculous and yet another stupid stereotype that uneducated people make about things they do not understand.

What are methods a feudal leader would employ to bleed their people?

Well, I was going to say taxing the living daylights out of the people...using tax farmers and all that...

PLEASE ANSWER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!…

Ok. Is there bacteria/microbes out of the earth's atmosphere? If there is then that means there are life out of the earth's atmosphere? And can people who would just live on the moon, would they die or get sick? (IF THEY DO GET SICK AND GET OLD MEANS THAT THERE ARE LIFE OUT OF THE EARTH'S ATMOSPHERE RIGHT?) So, astronauts which have been out of the earth's atmosphere has brought bacteria/microbes to outer space and to the moon right? So please answer my question. Thanks in advance.

How do you respectfully rescind your acceptance to a wedding invitation?

Definitely do it by phone. The sooner, the better. The bride and groom need to know the numbers for catering, and they may be working on the seating arrangements too. They will need to know as soon as possible.

Looking for info on LPG Conversions in Australia.?

A Great Site that you can find heaps of information about LPG Conversions in Melbourne They have info on types of conversions, With pictures of conversions and information the the Government LPG Conversion Rebate.

Interpret my dream, for fun?

before i start, i had just read a quote the day before by terence mckenna, which read, "animals are something invented by plants to move seeds around. an extremely yang solution to a peculiar problem which they faced." so, in this dream, i was on a mission trip with some of the people i don't talk to terribly often from my church--you know, the "other" people from church. anyways, what this mission trip consisted of was our going outside and inseminating corn plants. when i went inside to ask what exactly was going on--and why these people i rarely talk to were banging vegetables--a small dog took to my leg, and finished. i then was told to remove my pants so they could be washed, and woke up significantly confused, still partially in dream mode.

Come up with awesome quotes! Preferably Positive and anti religion.?

Why do your quotes have to be anti-religion? Why not just attack their whack job beliefs directly? Or, are you one of those that believes that EVERY Christian believes as those whack jobs do, and that as a Christian I am afraid of science, think the world is only 6,000 years old and flat, don't believe in evolution and want a Theocracy? (things that I never knew I believed until the evangelical atheists on Yahoo Answers told me).